This is an exclusive video of the press screening of "Thingyan Pya Deight" or "Thingyan Museum" movie, was organized on March 17, 2016 at President Cinema in Yangon. Sai Sai Kham Leng, Khin Wint Wah and Nang Su Oo star in this fancy drama movie together with other supporting actors. The movie will be on cinemas before Thingyan New Year Festival.
မတ္လ (၁၇) ရက္ေန႔က ရန္ကုန္၊ သမၼတ႐ုပ္ရွင္႐ံုမွာ ျပဳလုပ္ခဲ့တဲ့ "သႀကၤန္ျပတိုက္" ႐ုပ္ရွင္ဇာတ္ကား စာနယ္ဇင္း အထူးပြဲ
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