The promotion event of Soe Pyae Thazin's solo music album, named "A Chit Ko Shar Phway Tawe Shi Chin" or "Found A Love", Karaoke DVDs was staged at People's Park in Yangon on April 24, 2016. Min Chit Thu, Za Wah, Moe Moe, Nyi Min Khine and NaLone Thar composed songs for this music album. Soe Pyae Thazin and her friends met with their fans and performed with promotional mini-concert. Photos by Ko Phyo
စိုးျပည့္သဇင္ ရဲ့ "အခ်စ္ကို ရွာေဖြေတြ႔ရွိျခင္း" ေတးစီးရီး Karaoke DVD စတင္ျဖန္႔ခ်ီ