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L'OREAL Paris's REVITALIFT Filler Press Launch In Yangon


The Press Launch of the REVITALIFT Filler, a new product of L'OREAL Paris, was organized at Sedona Hotel in Yangon on May 9, 2016. Myanmar well-known actress, Soe Myat Thuzar participated in "How to re-fresh skin & anti-aging" Panel Discussion of L'OREAL Paris. Photos by Wai Yan

L'OREAL Paris ရဲ့ REVITALIFT Filler စာနယ္ဇင္း မိတ္ဆက္ပြဲ မွ စိုးျမတ္သူဇာ

The Reflection of Poverty: "Pyan Kya Ku Li" Movie Making In Yangon

This is an exclusive video of "Pyan Kya Ku Li" "ပ်ံက်ကူလီ" movie making by Director SarMi (Dwe Myattar) at Thiri Mingalar Vegetable Market in Yangon on May 11, 2016. Tun Ko Ko, Kaung Pyae, Khin Hlaing, Dain Daung and Shwe Hmone Yati are starring in this movie together with other supporting actors.

ဒါရိုက္တာ ဆာမိ(ေဒြးေမတၱာ) ရဲ့ "ပ်ံက်ကူလီ" ႐ုပ္ရွင္ဇာတ္ကား ႐ိုက္ကြင္း

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“Shinn Than Chin Hnin Si” Charity A Nyeint Show Staged In Yangon

This is an exclusive video of "Shinn Than Chin Hnin Si" or "Surviving Rose" A Nyeint, was staged at National Theater in Yangon on May 14, 2016. Min Maw Kun, Nay Toe, Kyaw Kyaw Bo, Tun Tun, Ye Lay, Phuu Sone, May Kha Byar, Moe Yu San and Moe Pyae Pyae Maung performed for this charity show to support Public Health Care development in Myanmar.

ျပည္သူ႔က်န္းမာေရး ေစာင့္ေရွာက္မွဳအလွဴ "ရွင္သန္ျခင္း ႏွင္းဆီ" အျငိမ့္ပြဲ

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Shwe Hmone Yati's Birthday Celebration at Novotel Hotel, Yangon

This is an exclusive video of Myanmar teenage model & actress, Shwe Hmone Yati's 18th Birthday Celebration, was grandly held at Novotel Yangon Max Hotel in Yangon on May 16, 2016. Myanmar Top Rock Band, Iron Cross (IC), Lay Phyu, Ah Nge, Myo Gyi and Wyne Wine performed for Shwe Hmone's Birthday Party.

သ႐ုပ္ေဆာင္ ေရႊမွဳံရတီ ရဲ့ အသက္ (၁၈) ႏွစ္ျပည့္ ေမြးေန႔ပြဲ အခမ္းအနား

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Top Rock Band, Iron Cross rocked for Shwe Hmone's Birthday

Exclusive Video: Myanmar Top Rock Music Band, Iron Cross (IC) performed for Shwe Hmone Yati's Birthday Party, was held at Novotel Yangon Max Hotel in Yangon on May 16, 2016. Lay Phyu, Ah Nge, Myo Gyi and Wine Wyne rocked together with Iron Cross Music Band.

ေရႊမွဳံရတီ ရဲ့ (၁၈) ႏွစ္ျပည့္ ေမြးပြဲမွ အိုင္စီ Iron Cross ေတးဂီတအဖြဲ႔ရဲ့ ေဖ်ာ္ေျဖမွဳ

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Phway Phway & A Linn Yaung Star Together "3G" Movie

This is an exclusive video of "3G (Ghost, Giant & Girl)" movie making by Director Wyne at My Garden restaurant in Yangon on May 18, 2016. A Linn Yaung, Phway Phway, Ei Chaw Po and Paing Phyo Thu are starring in this movie together with other suppoting actors.

ဒါ႐ိုက္တာ ၀ိုင္း ရဲ့ "3G (Ghost, Giant & Girl)" ႐ုပ္ရွင္ဇာတ္ကား ႐ိုက္ကြင္း

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"FIRST STEP" Hip Hop Music Show Staged In Yangon


"FIRST STEP" Hip Hop Music Show was staged at Myaw Sin Island, Kandawgyi Park in Yangon on May 21, 2016. Myanmar well-known hip hop singers: Jouk Jack, G Fatt, Nine One, Kyaw Htut Swe, Shwe Htoo, X-Box, Lil' Z and Htet Yan performed for the show together with DJ Terror Bass. Photos by Wai Yan

လူငယ္ ဟစ္ေဟာ့ အဆိုေတာ္ေတြ ပူးေပါင္းတင္ဆက္ခဲ့တဲ့ FIRST STEP Music Show

Hip Hop Singer, X-Box Launched First Solo Album, "X-Box In 9"


Myanmar well-known Hip Hop Singer, X-Box launched his first solo music album, "X-Box In 9", Audio CDs on May 22, 2016 at Hleden Center in Yangon. Total (14) Hip Hop Songs are included in this X-Box's Music Album. X-Box and his friends performed with a mini music concert at the promotion event. Photos by Wai Yan

X-Box ရဲ့ ပထမဆံုးတစ္ကိုယ္ေတာ္ "X-Box In 9" Audio CD မိတ္ဆက္ပြဲ

Funeral of "Shat Tae", Well-known Comedian and Actor


The funeral ceremony of "Shat Tae", Myanmar well-known comedy actor, was held at the Yay Way Cemetery in Yangon on May 23, 2016. Shat Tae, 39 years old, died of died of stomach vascular on May 21, at Yangon general hospital. Photos by Wai Yan

ရုပ္ရွင္ ႏွင့္ ဗီဒီယုိ သရုပ္ေဆာင္ ရွက္တယ္ ၏ စ်ာပနကို ေရေ၀းသုသာန္တြင္ က်င္းပခဲ့

Fans Held a Surprise Birthday Party for Moeset Wine

"We Love Moeset Wine" Fans and Media 7 memebers surprised Moeset Wine by holding a Surprise Birthday Party for her at Mega Ace Cinema in Yangon on the mid-night of May 20, 2016.

"We Love Moeset Wine" အဖြဲ႔သားမ်ားနဲ႔ အတူတူ က်င္းပခဲ့တဲ့ မိုးစက္၀ိုင္ ရဲ့ ေမြးေန႔ပြဲ

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Myanmar Well-known Hip Hop Singers Staged "FIRST STEP SHOW"

This is an exclusive video of "FIRST STEP" Hip Hop Music Show, was staged at Myaw Sin Island, Kandawgyi Park in Yangon on May 21, 2016. Myanmar well-known hip hop singers: Jouk Jack, G Fatt, Nine One, Kyaw Htut Swe, Shwe Htoo, X-Box, Lil' Z and Htet Yan performed for the show together with DJ Terror Bass.

နာမည္ရ ဟစ္ေဟာ့ Hip Hop အဆိုေတာ္ေတြ တင္ဆက္ခဲ့တဲ့ "FIRST STEP SHOW"

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"HAIR & MAKEUP Championship Myanmar 2016" In Yangon


"HAIR & MAKEUP Championship Myanmar 2016" Contest was held on May 24, 2016 at Gandamar Grand Ballroom in Yangon. The Hair & MakeUp creative competition was organized by Agnes Lim Kyin Po of Fancy House Hair Beauty Spa. Htet Thu Hein, Theint Theint Kyaw and Kyaw Thet won the first prize, 1 Million Kyat Awards respectively. Photos by Wai Yan

"HAIR & MAKEUP Championship Myanmar 2016" ဆံပင္ ႏွင့္ မိတ္ကပ္အလွၿပိဳင္ပြဲ

Hair & Make Up Championship Myanmar 2016 ျပိဳင္ပြဲမွ ျမန္မာ စူပါေမာ္ဒယ္မ်ား

Agnes Lim Kyin Po, HAIR & MAKEUP Championship Myanmar 2016


"HAIR & MAKEUP Championship Myanmar 2016" Contest was held on May 24, 2016 at Gandamar Grand Ballroom in Yangon. The Hair & MakeUp creative competition was organized by Agnes Lim Kyin Po of Fancy House Hair Beauty Spa. Htet Thu Hein, Theint Theint Kyaw and Kyaw Thet won the first prize, 1 Million Kyat Awards respectively. Photos by Wai Yan

"HAIR & MAKEUP Championship Myanmar 2016" ဆံပင္ ႏွင့္ မိတ္ကပ္အလွၿပိဳင္ပြဲ

X-Box's First Solo Music Album, "X-Box In 0" Promotion Event

This is an exclusive video of X-Box's first solo music album, "X-Box In 9", Audio CDs promotion event, was held on May 22, 2016 at Hleden Center in Yangon. X-Box, well-known HipHop Singer, said that (14) Hip Hop Songs includes in his music album. X-Box and his friends performed with a mini music concert at the promotion event.

ထူးျခားတဲ့ HipHop ပံုစံေတြနဲ႔ ဖန္တီးထားတယ္ဆိုတဲ့ X-Box ရဲ့ "X-Box In 9" Auido CD

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Myanmar Comedy Actor, Shat Tae Died Of Watermelon Stomach

This is an exclusive video of the funeral ceremony of "Shat Tae", Myanmar well-known comedy actor, was held at the Yay Way Cemetery in Yangon on May 23, 2016. Shat Tae, 39 years old, died of died of stomach vascular on May 21, at Yangon general hospital.

ေရေ၀းသုသာန္တြင္ က်င္းပခဲ့တဲ့ သရုပ္ေဆာင္ ရွက္တယ္ (ခ) ကိုလင္းခမ္းရာ ၏ စ်ာပန

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"HAIR & MAKEUP Championship Myanmar 2016" of Agnes Lim Kyin Po

This is an exclusive video of "HAIR & MAKEUP Championship Myanmar 2016" Contest, was held on May 24, 2016 at Gandamar Grand Ballroom in Yangon. The Hair & MakeUp creative competition was organized by Agnes Lim Kyin Po of Fancy House Hair Beauty Spa. Htet Thu Hein, Theint Theint Kyaw and Kyaw Thet won the first prize, 1 Million Kyat Awards respectively.

ရန္ကုန္မွာ က်င္းပခဲ့တဲ့ "HAIR & MAKEUP Championship Myanmar 2016" ျပိဳင္ပြဲ

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New Face Actor Hein Ko Ko Kyaw To Star in "NO PAR" Movie


The press introductory event of "NO PAR" movie and new face actor Hein Ko Ko Kyaw was held on May 26, 2016 at Sule Shangri-La Hotel in Yangon. "NO PAR" movie will be produced by Linn Latt Latt Shwe Film Production and directed by Nyunt Myanmar Nyi Nyi Aung. Khant Si Thu, Hein Ko Ko Kyaw, Soe Myat Thuzar and May Thinzar Oo are starring in this movie together with other supporting actors. Photos by Wai Yan

"NO PAR" ႐ုပ္ရွင္ဇာတ္ကား ကန္ေတာ့ပြဲေပးပြဲႏွင့္  သ႐ုပ္ေဆာင္ ဟိန္းကိုကိုေက်ာ္ အား စာနယ္ဇင္းအပ္ႏွံပြဲ

Nay Toe & Moe Hay Ko Star in "A Mone Tawe Khout Htar Like" Film


Here are snapshots of "A Mone Tawe Khout Htar Like" movie making by Director Thar Nyi at Mya Khwar Nyo Housing in Yangon on May 27, 2016. Nay Toe, Ye Aung, Moe Hay Ko and Myat Kaythi Aung are starring in this movie, which will be produced by "Moe" Film Production which is owned by Moe Hay Ko, well-known actress. Photos by Wai Yan

မိုးေဟကို ႏွင့္ ေနတိုး တို႔ ပါ၀င္တဲ့ "အမုန္းေတြေခါက္ထားလိုက္" ဇာတ္ကား ႐ိုက္ကြင္း

Myanmar Dj Staged for "YGN Signature Blue Zone" Music Show


"YGN Signature Blue Zone" DJ Music Show was staged at Myaw Sin Island, KanDawGyi Park in Yangon on May 28, 2016. DJ Wine, DJ Lu Lu, DJ Mickey and DJ Naung Naung performed for this dance party music show collaboration with HipHop artists: Hlwan Paing, Ar-T, Yair Yint Aung, Shwe Htoo, X-Box, Lil'z and Bobby Soxer. Photos by Wai Yan

ျမန္မာ Dj ေတြ ပူးေပါင္းတင္ဆက္ခဲ့ၾကတဲ့ "YGN Signature Blue Zone" ဂီတေဖ်ာ္ေျဖပြဲ

Miss SOFY 2016 & Miss Eva 2016 Contest Grand Final


Miss SOFY 2016 and Miss Eva 2016 Contest Grand Final was held at Hledan Center in Yangon on May 29, 2016. Nan San, contestant No.1, was crowned Miss SOFY 2016 and Myat Noe, contestant No.10, won Miss Eva 2016 crown respectively. PHotos by Wai Yan

လွည္းတန္းစင္တာမွာ က်င္းပခဲ့တဲ့ Miss SOFY 2016 & Miss Eva 2016 Contest Grand Final

Winners of Miss SOFY 2016 & Miss Eva 2016 Contest Grand Final

- Miss SOFY 2016: Nan San (Contestant No.1)
- Miss Eva 2016: Myat Noe (Contestant No.10)
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